Palmer Veterinary Clinic: Your 100% locally and independently owned veterinary clinicSkip to content
John Campbell
John has lived in Alaska for 9 years. When he's not at the clinic keeping things running smoothly,
he enjoys being out on one of his boats fishing.
He has 4 dogs, but his trusty and retired hunting
partner, Briar, can always been found by his side.
Practice Manager
Trina Brandt, LVT
Trina has been in veterinary medicine for 30+ years.
She enjoys the company of her 11 year old Springer
Spaniel, Gracie, her two cats, Sammy and Izzy , and
her husband. When she is not working, she enjoys
gardening, going on weekend trips to the cabin, and
Head Technician
Boss Cat
Boss joined our crew in February and has made himself right
at home. He spends his days calmly sitting in the lobby, on the
clean laundry, or napping on any sunny windowsill (he is always sleeping on the job). He is very
vocal and loves to tell us all about his day.
Office Supervisor
Catrick Swayze
This is our newest associate, Catrick Swayze. Swayze
is a curious little scamp that isnt afraid of anyone or
anything. You can find him taking advantage of any lap
he can find or doing wild kitten parkour around the
building. He will take it upon himself to investigate
the animals that come in and dont be surprised if he
makes himself at home on your lap or shoulder.
Assistant to Boss Cat